Sunday, October 24, 2010

CRAZY Weekend to a Close

We had a very busy day today airing out two tents, shopping and washing a ton of stuff.
But, it was for some weird reason nice. I guess because I was so thankful to be dry and at home.I woke-up at 9am and cleaned,actually scrubbed until 2. It was relaxing to be at home with the music going.
Nothing is new today , just wishing like crazy that we had our girls already. I miss them and want to see them every day. Even a trip to Target to grocery shop get s me thinking how fun it will be to have them on a life long basis.
Soon it will happen and we will all be a family.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Even More Stress

What in the world has happened to my old, calm, happy life? I am wondering where I went wrong?
Months ago we started being bombarded with weird things in our family life. And this weekend is no different.
We went on a Scout camping trip and it poured buckets of rain. And for long periods of time! Yes, I know everyone got rained on but not everyone had a sick spouse. I just got healthy and now Mark has a stomach something and was sick in bed and up all night. Goodness!
Then, the truck cover lid broke and then when I got in our other car to run an errand, the knob for the defrost thing came off in my hand.
I KNOW everyone has trials and I KNOW they could be much worse, but I am getting in such a funk about it I am not even able to carry on a normal, pleasant conversation. I seem to be complaining a lot!
The problem lies with me. I know I need to work on attitude and PRAY< PRAY< PRY.I am very thankful for all of our blessings and I would never want to overlook them, I just need to vent about all this yucky stuff.
Well, home and cozy so this looks like a good start!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mammogram Success

Why would I pick this sweet picture of my boy when I have a title about mammograms? Because I am so thank to be alive to see that sweet cheek. They called today and said all is well. Praise God. Things can change in the blink of an eye and I am thankful that this went well. Every day with our kids is a HUGE blessing!
I made 4 loaves of pumpkin bread today. I took one over to my sis-in-law. The girls were there and it just brightens my day so much to see them. I am so thankful to have them close. I hope the all do well and enjoy it here. A part of me worries that thy will miss Hico.
My kiddos did a good job with school today and other than the normal life stuff nothing is too exciting at the moment.
I can not wait to have the girls here. I really do love them.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Still Posting and Enjoying It

Well, we had a wonderful day today. I have really enjoyed my free time . I can see a HUGE difference in the kids. They both want to have me around more and want me to be home sooner than usual when I am out running.
I got a fun phone call tonight from my sis-in-law needing help with the three girl's homework. It was fun and I really enjoy teaching kids. If it wasn't for the government I could have possibly been a teacher. I just don't want to subject kids to the garbage the government demands teachers to dump on kids. The teachers have great intentions but they can't follow through so much of the time. So often kids are labeled as slow or impaired when really they just learn differently or slower.Yes, there may be some challenges, but the child just needs a chance to learn their way.
I saw that VERY closely today doing schoolwork with my niece. She is a smart girl, she just learns her own way. The trick is finding out what makes it click for her.
Well, on a totally different note, I went and got a mammogram today. Fun times. I pray all is well.
I went to ladies night tonight and played a card game called High Cotton. I really enjoy those ladies and their friendship. What a blessing it has been to be in this cul-de-sac with such wonderful people.
That's it for the Lyle Dial today.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Love is a Funny Thing

I think it is so funny how I can be so in love with two girls I hardly know. They are my nieces , my sister-in-law has fostered them for 2 years, and now we are getting certified to adopt them. I miss them every day and can not wait to be a family.
I love my kids so much that I can easily have that feeling for these girls just as if someone said to me "You're pregnant". You know it doesn't take more than a second to love the child you haven't even met or known, it is just a natural feeling.
Our kiddos have been left alone more than normal and I know they are ok with it because they are doing it for the sake of getting their sisters.
We all know it will be an adjustment, but we are willing to all work as a team. It might be messy at times, but who out there is perfect?
We finished our 12 hour foster class tonight and still have quite a few things to get done. I have promised myself NOT to get impatient and to count on God's perfect timing and plan for all of us.
Well, that is it for the Lyle Dial today.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Another weekend

We had another wonderful weekend at home. We helped my sis-in-law and fam move, spent time grilling out for everyone to eat, and helped with kids and did a little unpacking.
The two girls home and spent the night with us again this weekend. It is so fun to bond with them and share the excitement of them coming. We went to foster classes all day Saturday and then we will finish them this Tuesday night. I am praying for a miracle . I am praying that CPS will make an exception and allow us to homeschool them instead of sending them to school. It would make things so much better for the whole family. God can make it happen if He chooses. We will see what happens.
Meanwhile, Gabby has been her normal helpful self taking care of E and D for their mom. She is such a sweet helper. Our young man has been basking in the glory of not being the youngest. He is also enjoying having two more siblings to play with. And hubby, he just goes with the flow. He is so laid back, nothing really ruffles his feathers. He is not always smiling and chipper, but he also isn't moody or down. He also does not worry. We have that perfect match of balancing each others strengths and weaknesses. I am really trying to stop being such a worry wart. I am getting worse the older I get. I hear so many sad stories about people and I worry. NOT a good faith building exercise so I know it is not good. I'm working on it.
Well, off to bed.

Friday, October 15, 2010

I have been on a roll lately

I have been on a roll. This is my third post this year and it is only October. I am doing such an amazing job at being consistant.
Well, I went to Goodwill today with my daughter and was really wanting to find a cool dress-up outfit for her for our Fall Festivals and candy collecting. If we don't call it Trick or Treating it means we aren't bad, right? Just kidding but really, what a trip it is to have to discuss why we don't dress up as witches or vampires. Don't want to have to explain, let's just move on and accept the fact that we all parent differently. The neighbors were wondering why I don't allow our kids to dress in that stuff and I felt bad again trying to explain that I just don't like that stuff. They all said they did it and grew up fine. And I agree, they are great people, I just feel like it is not a good idea for us.
Ok, on a different note, I went to Kim's new house tonight and saw my girls, man I wish we had them here already and were all set. I did decide today that since they will be ours that I will be bypassing the normal pregnancy and labor pains, so public school will be considered my labor pains with them. Don't get me wrong, I respect people's choices to do what they want with their children's education, but for me, dealing with the government and their ideas of brainwashing kids, doesn't work for me. They are mine to raise with our family beliefs, and I take that job VERY seriously. So dealing with their rules, is hard to stomach. But we will do it and we will respect authority. Cause later, I want our kids to respect the highest authority and we all know who HE is. Training starts now.
Well, hubby and I are off to 6 hour foster training tomorrow. Just think, it has only been one week since we talked with LSS about adopting the girls.
God is GREAT!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

What a Wonderful Day

I am so excited that after 56 antibiotics, a little surgery and a lot of feeling like crud, my toenail is getting better. I have been off antibiotics for 2 days now and I am beginning to feel better. I still have a few weird things going on with my health, but I am praying that it gets better as I get the medication out of my body.
Yesterday I removed 2 large bookshelves out of our bedroom. It was very cramped and now it feels more open and calm. A good friend of mine came over and blessed me with her time and ran 6 huge tubs of books to Half Price books for me. I mad $55.00. You can imagine how many books I got rid of when they give a dime a book. I also donated a huge box to Lifeway Christian bookstore. They are taking them to prisons for the inmates to read. I got rid of all my special books that I have worked very hard at accumulating. Max Lucado is my favorite. I hope it blesses someone there.
I will continue to thank God for letting me get well. He is awesome!
Oh ya, I will write about it later but we are getting certified to adopt Amber and Lexi.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Here we go again

I have learned two things about myself from this blog. One, I am not consistent at all. And two, I have drama often. I was reading and it seems my life is always busy . I think I have a calm life, I don't think I do now after reading my posts. My good friend said that nothing about my life is calm. She said my house is calm and welcoming but my life is not. ( calm)
Let me list the things that are going on in numerical order : (as of today) :
1. About 4 months ago I got really tired and was not like myself
2. I made an appointment with a Dr. to get my vitamins and hormones checked out
3 The week before my appointment ( 3 months after above) I got passed out in bed tired
4. My heart was acting weird and EVERYONE said it was stress
5. My appointment with Dr. revealed I had walking pneumonia and that was why I was tired
6. I had to have 2 Z-Packs because I wasn't well after 1
7. I wasn't well after those so I had to have a stronger one ( my heart wacked out. 3 EKGs and 1 heart sonogram and 1 er visit )
8. Had a reaction to it and got off for a few days to see how my lungs were ( they were fine)
9. I got a chest cold from the kids ( not a huge deal but a yucky cough)
10. Now I have a staph infection in my toe that has sprung back up since I'm off antibiotics
11. Now, back on the meds twice a day, with a kicker of 2 MORE antibiotics a day
12. 10 days later and 56 pills later , today I saw the Dr. with my slightly still pink toe
13. 5 MORE days of 4 pills a day to see if we can get rid of it before cutting
14. I sent out a prayer request to all the homeschoolers and have felt very blessed with their prayers
15. While reading one of them I believe I received a healing and responded to the sender
16. Now I have to wait 4 days to see the Dr.
17. If you are the one person who knows I have a blog and reads this and wonder why on earth I am blogging about this garbage and how boring it is, remember I have to pack a whole year into each post and it IS my blog
18. I want to tell you how AWESOME God is and if you think I'm kidding, you need to get to know Him better. He will show you mighty amazing things