Sunday, November 21, 2010


Our lives around here have been very interesting this year. Most of it has had to deal with my health. That seems so odd because I have always been so healthy, but I have had so much weird junk this year.

Tonight, while we have no kids, hubby was paying bills, ya know to be romantic like, and I got BOTH bills in from when I took the kids and myself to get our first EVER flu shots. I was doing this just to make sure we didn't catch any more stuff cause my immune system is all weird.
Our insurance didn't cover them so it will be about 200 bucks. Are you serious? I am gong to bed! Hungry AND irritated!

God is still good. I am thankful we are all healthy now.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day

What a wonderful privilege it is to live in this wonderful country . I am thankful this morning for every person that has paid the ultimate price for our freedom. Many people have given their lives for us to enjoy the freedom we have and I do not take it for granted. Their family members have suffered the pain of loss and that is something that only God and time can help.
I also want to remember the families that protect our families with loved ones that spend so much time away from them serving. Children, wves, husbands, brothers, sisters are all seperated from their family to serve and sacrifice their time and money to do so. I have been shocked at the number of service men and women who live at poverty level because they don't make very much money.
Well, that's it for my thankfullness for the day.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Flu Shot Wednesday

I have successfully received my first flu shot. I decided after being sick so much this year, I don't want to do it again!
I know I could still get sick from other things, but the flu was not something I wanted to deal with. It all went very smoothly and I feel fine so far.
I also went for the gusto and got the kiddos done also.
Well, that is all I have done for the day.
Here are some pictures my son takes of his Legos.
And maybe some Halloween pictures too.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Week at A Glance

What a great day we had with our friends. They just moved to the country and they are having so much fun. It is so nice and peaceful out there it is hard to leave.
We made some really cute salt dough ornaments.
Here is the recipe:
2 cups of flour
1 up of salt
1 cup of water
Now mix it all for about 10 minutes ( she did it in the Bosch mixer for about 3 minutes) I think this is what makes them so smooth and less cracked looking.
Then bake at 225 for an hour.
Then they can b with acrylic paint .
Oh ya, don't forget to poke a hole in it with a straw before putting it in the oven.

Ok, back on track.
We had a wonderful time at the Fall Festival and then with our annual Trick or Treating with Laurie.
We did have one thing happen that I want to record for me to remember. Whil we were out trick or treating there was a little 4 year old boy with our party going door to door (there were about 25-30 kids) and he got lost. Yes, in the dark, lost in a dark neighborhood, without us. He got confused and went with the wrong group of people.
He did eventually get found Praise God!
But this is the cool part, hubby and I had taken the kids and got in our car to drive around and look for the boy. Daughter stayed behind with the others. Well, I didn't know it but my dear daughter suggested to the group that she lead them in a PRAYER for the boy's safe return. When I heard this I honestly felt like a parent who was sitting at the Grammys watching a child receive an award. I really do have no greater joy than to know my children walk in the truth. Are we perfect, goodness not even close. But she gets it! She was not even ashamed to do it in front of a large group! Thank you God for keeping watch over her precious heart and giving her the wisdom to think of prayer first! I hope she remembers to pray first in all circumstances the rest of her life!
There are a few pictures at he top of the post from last week. We went to the zoo with one of my good friends and had a great time. We made lots of memories.

A Trip To Our Friends