I am amazed at the amount of blessings I can receive in one day!First of all, my dear father-in-law invited my son to spend the night,my mother-in-law has my daughter helping her out of town, and I have had 2 sweet customers come over today. One of them , Shelley, offered to take me to get some hair stuff, and she brought me 4 books about Amish people AND she gave me a gift card to Bath and Body.My other customer brought me some movers gliders to help me move some furniture. And yesterday, my friend Janelle came and got my son and I around 10:00 and we didn't get home until 4:00. We had a lot of fun and the kids were all very good. I notice that if things were like the old days, meaning not having 2 cars, I would be a lot closer and spend more time with people. Just like not having cable(that means no tv to our family) we read and play more as a family.I see God's blessings so abundantly it makes me feel so happy and thankful.
My car is still in the shop and I have not had a car for a week now. Ouch. The good news is, I'm not out shopping and spending money.I am praying that my car ends up being cheap to fix.
I also talked to my dad for about 30 minutes today. He was asking me stuff about the kids and homeschooling. I didn't get the feeling he was disappointed, I felt like we were just talking about it. He is so sweet and I always enjoy our talks. He had a few good suggestions about teaching that I need to remember. Other than that, today has been VERY lonely without my kids. Talk about boring, NO messes, no teaching, no making food for someone else( or myself for that matter) I have had eggnog and a roll today. I miss my kids. They seem to fill my days with happiness! I love them a ton.
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