Well, it's happening again. Change!!! Our oldest just started her first, official day of school outside of the home. I have had her with me every day since she was two. Our bond is like no other. It seems as if we might argue and fuss a lot but we really do have a great relationship. I have missed her so much this week. And our son is almost as tall as me and he is growing daily! Still such a great kid. I always enjoy his company. It will be just the two of us doing school this year. It's going to take some getting used to. I'm not very good ( actually I'm terrible ) at letting go. I dig in and hold on tightly.
Everything else is going well. We have done some work on our house and I really like the choices we've made . It has made some of my chores much easier.
My health is getting better daily. I'm about 80% better and still have a little tweaking to do. But Lyme has taught me quite a few lessons for which I'll be forever grateful. It has strengthened my faith, made me grow as a person,helped me learn to free fall trusting God's perfect plan and it has brought some wonderful new friends into my life. I wouldn't have it any other way. God is always good!!